Title: Wander Dust
Series: Seraphina Parrish Trilogy # 1
By: Michelle Warren
Publication Date: November 30, 2013
Genre: YA/Fantasy/Time Travel/Romance
Blurb: Ever since her sixteenth birthday, strange things keep happening to Seraphina Parrish. Unexplainable premonitions catapult her to faraway cities. A street gang wants to kill her, and a beautiful, mysterious boy stalks her.
But when Sera moves to Chicago, and her aunt reveals their family connection to a centuries old, secret society, she’s immediately thrust into an unbelievable fantasy world, leading her on a quest to unravel the mysteries that plague her. In the end, their meanings crash into an epic struggle of loyalty and betrayal, and she’ll be forced to choose between the boy who has stolen her heart and the thing she desires most.
Wander Dust is the breathtaking fantasy that will catapult you through a story of time, adventure, and love.
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Title: Protecting Truth
Series: Seraphina Parrish Trilogy # 2
By: Michelle Warren
Publication Date: September 19th, 2012
Genre: YA/Fantasy/Time Travel/Romance
Blurb: Seraphina’s keeping a secret from her Wandering team: she’s perfecting her fighting skills. But telling Sam and Bishop the truth would only alert them to her plan: to go back in time, save her mom, and finish what she started. With the help of Turner, Bishop’s handsome twin, she progresses toward her goal but plummets deeper into dangerous territory where the lines of friendship and romance are blurred. One passionate kiss changes everything, leading Sera to unravel a shocking web of family secrets, heartbreaking ulterior motives, and sinister agendas. Love and lies collide in a haunting climax, where the truest souls may not survive.
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Title: Seeing Light
Series: Seraphina Parrish Trilogy # 3
By: Michelle Warren
Publication Date: October 10th, 2013
Genre: YA/Fantasy/Time Travel/Romance
Blurb: As the corruption of the Society intensifies and the questions surrounding her mother mount, Seraphina Parrish embarks on a journey to find Terease in the terrifying Wandering city of Nocturna. But the information she learns there only sends her team on a dangerous mission to fulfill an ancient prophecy. Delving deep into the disturbing secrets of their world, the revelations quickly unravel, revealing shocking truths about the Society and Sera’s life. In the end, power and courage clash in a mission for freedom that may shatter the Wandering world completely.
I was given the opportunity to receive a free copy of Wander Dust for an honest review.
Wander Dust had a lot of potential to become an exciting series. It had adventure, action, romance, and mystery. What didn't seem to fit right was Seraphina. She felt a little bland to me, a little like Kristen Stuart playing as Bella Swan. In the beginning of the book, she seemed disconnected, aloof, nonchalant. I had a struggle liking her as the heroine of the series. Another issue of mine was the flow of the story. There were times I would be caught off guard when one scene jumped to all whole new other scene. "Malik-mata" or in English "mirage" . Those instances where scene jumping occurred, I called them "malik-mata". It took me three chapters to get used to the jumping scenes. My last issue would be the writing style itself. It felt a little draggy and at times snooze-worthy. But thankfully, four chapters later I came to be okay with the style.
Set in a world unknown to me, the author did a great job describing every little detail to make me feel I was actually and really part of this foreign land. Lo and behold! As the story progressed so did my like for Seraphina. She slowly developed into a heroine who could kick butt. And the romance? Ahihihi. It can melt your bone marrow!
The conclusion of the book could definitely make you pause, recall all the best scenes you love, and whine for the next installment!
Michelle Warren is the author of the Seraphina Parrish Trilogy. She didn't travel the road to writer immediately. She spent over a decade as professional Illustrator and designer. Her artistic creativity combined with her love of science fiction, paranormal and fantasy led her to write her first YA novel, Wander Dust. Michelle loves reading and traveling to places that inspire her to create. She resides in downtown Chicago, not far from her imaginary Wandering world.
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I'd go back in time and visit my father because I miss him. Thanks for the great giveaway!