Saturday, August 4, 2012

In Between Seasons by Cassandra Giovanni (Author Interview + Giveaway!)

Goodreads summary: At eighteen there is one thing Kate Ericson is certain of—the world is at war and has been since she was two years old. That was when her father pulled her family and a group of close friends to a God forsaken place in the middle of nowhere. For Kate there is no escape from the sea of lies she is drowning in until her world collides with Hunter Marks—the son of her father's biggest opponent. An opponent that Kate didn't even know existed. What Hunter kidnaps Kate for, and what her family will try to kill her to keep secret, is a knowledge that she doesn't have. Now Kate’s innocence seems to becoming undone at the seams of reality. Hunter then finds himself fighting the hopelessness that is creeping into the edges of her heart as she learns more about the corruption that has devoured their lives. As Hunter and Kate forge a strong and unique relationship it becomes clear that their love is something that the bureaucracy never expected, and that Hunter's father will do whatever he can to destroy it. Hunter believes he must sacrifice love in order to teach Kate that the world's deadliest weapon is her. Hunter and Kate will have to find the strength to rise above a deception that is so great, even the ones who created it don't realize its depth.

The Author

Mrs. Giovanni, though I just met her, is a very happy and perky person. She was very kind enough to let me interview her. And her love story is amazing! She should write a YA contemporary novel based on that. As we say it in my place, "Estoryaheeee!Kilig kaayo oi ang iyang love story!"

You can go to her site to check out her other books and how to purchase them. You can also check out her blog to follow her and see what she is up to.

And here is the part where I must dance like crazy!

Author Interview Time!

Tell us a little about yourself.

> I am 23 years old and I have been writing forever. My parents say I was writing before I could even read, using pictures. They honestly, don't remember me ever not writing as a kid. When I was 16 I stopped writing. It just shows that sometimes teachers aren't always great, but then I had some amazing teachers who I have reconnected with since I started writing again. In 2008 I started writing again. I wrote the most awful vampire book known to man, but it got me writing again. I also got married in 2008, and started working at a bank. I've been in banking ever since and I love the company I work for. I started out as a business management major, felt it was "too easy", so I changed to a medical coding degree, I can't stand blood, or anything to do with medical coding, so I changed my major to marketing. I LOVE marketing because it fits in so well with both parts of my life. For hobbies I knit, draw, paint, make jewelry, make lamp work beads, ride horses, do ZUMBA and bike. I also do photography for car features on the side. I hope to make it big as a writer and photographer.

When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?
> I have always wanted to be a writer, but for some reason I never thought it was possible--no matter how much my husband and my parents said that is what you are! You need to write. I think I truly realized I was a writer when I stopped writing. There was a huge hole in me--I didn't feel right for those two years. When I started writing again I knew it was me, and I had to do it period, no questions asked.

Are there authors who inspired and influenced you?
> Firstly, Jane Austen. I feel like I have this connection to her, and it's creepy, but I can't explain it. Ellen Ekstrom, is someone I met recently and gives me encouragement to write while giving me constructive criticism from an experienced author's perspective. Her novels are literary genius. JK Rowling is also an inspiration because her books are so truly unique and her writing so eloquent.

Tell us something about In Between Seasons.

>In Between Seasons was the 5th book I wrote in full length. It was the last book I wrote, and the first one I published. It was a test pilot in learning to balance who I am as a writer. The book moves along at a fast pace in the mind set of showing the reader events and situations through dialogue.

Did you face any difficulties writing the book?
> At that point in time I had got it in my mind that this was the book that I would publish first, so I started to read a lot of "publish yourself into print" books, blogs and websites. To say the least, you can only take such advice with a grain of salt. Writing is very subjective and opinion based and can always be better. It's surprising to say that I had trouble with the dialogue because I tend to write proper English all the time. I write out cannot, do not, etc., but people don't talk like that! So as a writer you must see your faults and search and annihilate them.

How does it feel to have a book published?
> Well, when it finally went live on Amazon I was at a car show with my husband shooting photographs as a test for our features. I kept looking at my iPhone every ten seconds, and then bam there it was. I stuck my hand up in the air and started jumping up and down screaming "I'm PUBLISHED, I'M FINALLY PUBLISHED." I swear everyone at the show thought I was a maniac. My husband laughed and explained to the several people gawking at me that I had just published my book, and I then proceeded to shove my iPhone in their faces. ;) So I guess you can see that it feels amazing. I love being indie because I can do my own marketing and really connect with my readers

Advice or tips for aspiring authors?
> Listen to advice, but take it with a grain of salt. Some things in writing are set in stone like (haha) not using cliches, and proper grammar. I recommend investing in a really great grammar book. I use The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. The other things about writing are really finding who you are as a writer and what is your comfort zone. Don't be afraid of getting bad reviews, but also read them and take them for what they are worth--don't let it change you, make yourself better from it.

Random round!

1.) Hair care products you use?
I have super fine hair, and I am still searching for a product that will give my hair volume that lasts all day, and doesn't make it greasy. I am trying to use the Pantene Fine hair product line at the moment. Alas, it works great for about three hours and then, flatness.

2.) Favorite color?
Pink! I even have pink all over my car.

3.) Dating tips?
Oh, well I don't have any of those. I dated a couple real jerks, then met my husband, he was my best friend for about a year. In that year I fell head over heels for him. I was 16 when I met him. I guess though, honesty is the best policy, and if something doesn't feel right about a person--go with it--it probably isn't. NEVER let someone make you feel like you are less of a person than they are.

4.) Countries you would like to visit?
England--my best friend lives there. Ireland, and that is about it.

5.) Your very own, real-life love story?
Yes, I do have one of those. I met my husband when I was 16 and was dating someone that he knew. We started talking over myspace. We talked a lot, and he became my best friend. I also fell head over heels for him. When I first saw his picture I thought to myself "that is the most gorgeous man alive" (I mean come on--blue eyes, shaggy dark brown hair, lip ring and a few tattoos--bad boy with a heart of gold)--I still feel that way. For a year we talked over AIM, and he started saying "I love you like a sister", what a burn that was. He was in a band, and I had shared some of my photography and marketing shots with him. He loved it, so we arranged to meet for the first time ever, and do a photo shoot. Yes, he hired me to do a photo shoot for him. Well, we did the shoot, then went out to dinner and stayed out all night, laughing and talking. I was really done for at that point. Little did I know he was too. A few weeks later he was talking to me on AIM. He told me that he needed to tell me something, I said okay, he said "I love you", I said I know, he said "No, you don't understand, I really love you.". I about DIED, I literally fell on the floor laughing in joy. My mom looked down at me and asked what was wrong, I told her and she shrugged: "I told you that how many months ago?". It was amazing.We had a whirl wind romance from there, I was in high school and I got engaged. We set the date and I was married at 19 and he was 22 1/2. I've been married 4 years, and every day I wake up thinking how lucky I am to have him. He is such an amazing person and I love him more each day (even when he is annoying me by asking what I am doing, when he knows it--I'm writing!)

Her answers are really cute, especially about her love story. Tskwhenwillthathappentome?

To the giveaways we shall go! Mrs. Giovanni has two sets of prizes for us! First set is for US residents only. It is composed of one (1) signed paperback of her book In Between Seasons and a signed bookmark! Of course, we didn't forget about the Internationals. The second set of prizes are for you: 1 ebook copy of her book and a signed bookmark! CLICK HERE for the giveaway!


  1. Reblogged this on cgiovanniwrites and commented:
    My first interview with an awesome blogger and a AWESOME giveaway!

  2. Great interview. Cassandra Giovanni is a writer to watch for as I believe she has many more books in her.

  3. I echo Ms. Foster's comments - and add that Cassandra Giovanni takes tried and true ideas, plots, the favorites of young adults, and puts a unique and personal twist on them so that they are fresh and intriguing. In just a few months I've seen her writing mature and continue to show promise. The future looks bright!
