Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Crushed (The Witch-Game #1) by K.C. Blake


Goodreads summary: The Noah sisters rule Titan High with their beauty, brains, and magical powers. Each year they play a secret game: Crushed. The girls pick their targets carefully and blow enchanted dust into the boy’s faces, charming them, but this year Kristen makes a grave mistake. She chooses the wrong boy and almost dies that same day. Coincidence? Maybe. But something isn’t quite right about Zach Bevian. He doesn’t behave like a boy who’s been Crushed. He goes from hot to cold, from looking at her with contempt to asking her out on a date. She doesn’t know what to think. Does he hate her or is he truly falling for her? Is he trying to kill her, or is he trying to save her?


I would like to thank the author for giving me a copy of Crushed for an honest review.

I had a lot of WTH moments while reading Crush. Why?

1.) Unconvincing - Evil witch? Uh, no. Psychopathic witch? Mm, no. Hot guy and hot girl? *rolls eyes* Whatever. I was not convinced and I did not clearly see or understand the reasons behind everything that happened in the book. It was like every situation the character comes across, she will welcome it with wide open arms without providing the reader a logical sense or reason to any of it. Even if she did, it was probably a shallow reason that only a seven-year -old could appreciate.

2.) Confusing - Some scenes in Crushed confused me and some reasons confused me even more. I had no idea who was chasing who, what reason was what, and what was really going on.

What was going on inside my head?

I thought bleep was going to do this to bleep for bleeping her. And then, I suddenly read that it wasn't bleep, but it was bleep for bleeping this. Wait! So it's not bleep but BLEEP? Huh? No? But I thought bleep's reason was bleep? It isn't? WHAT?

3.) Characters - Cardboard-ish and thinly imagined.

4.) Romance - Fast-paced and a wee bit disturbing. They are only in high school! Why are they talking as if they are about to get married? It's creepy!



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